The Holy Trinity

For this section I wanted to show you my three favorite guns. Why three, well you'll soon see. They are all Plasma Casters and all Purple/Pinks, which I believe is a Purple grade weapon with added E-Tech. These are better than any of the Legendary weapon I own to date.

I'll introduce the ladies one at a time. Firstly the Brisk Plasma Caster with Flaming Elemental. Just look at this  beauty. 6513 damage with a swift fire rate. Although it only has a 13.5% ignite chance, believe me, it ignites everything. I tend to be an ammo Scrooge and mostly use it single shot, because that is often enough with flesh and blood enemies. But when you do need to open it up, man those bullets fly.

Next up is my Brisk Plasma Caster Shock Elemental. This gun loves taking down shields. But most of all it loves to tear through The Warrior. I can take him down very quickly with this. These first two plasma casters are Tediore so they also are thrown with a grenade like effect upon reload. Which just adds to their appeal.

The third is my Lucid Plasma Caster. My mech masher. This gun is Maliwan in build. Maliwan guns are always fun. Great design, great colours and always elemental. Just like the others this gun has the E-tech caster add-on so it spews heaps of robot burning acid on anything that stands in it's way. It takes down super badass loaders in seconds.

So you can probably tell I love these guns. They are nearly always slots 1 2 and 3 with my Infinity pistol on 4. Regarding the pickup of these guns, I'm not sure. I think they were all chest finds, maybe the Golden Chest in Sanctuary.

I think everyone has their favorite gun manufacturers for different reasons. Mine are Maliwan and Tediore for sure.

Please let me know your favorite guns and their makers.

Murph Out!